Innovative Healthcare Integration Message Archive and Data Management Tool


It has never been more important to have nimble data tools at the core of your health technology and information exchange infrastructure and Capsule will be a big help.

What is Capsule?  

Capsule is an innovative data management tool specifically designed to archive healthcare messages and also intelligently apply metadata tags, allowing for dynamic message retrieval, reporting and analytics.

As a component of the Gemini Integration as a Service platform, Capsule leverages a FHIR data model and Zen’s expertise in working with a wide variety of clinical messages: HL7v2, CCD, C-CDA, claims, etc.

Who Benefits Most from Capsule?  

Any organization with healthcare messaging flowing through their systems need Capsule, but it is especially helpful for Health Information Exchanges (HIEs) and any facility involved in supporting future disease surveillance and population health reporting.

Read more about how Capsule could have been helpful in the COVID-19 pandemic. 

How Can Zen Help?

Schedule time to speak with our integration experts.

Capsule In the News

Bring innovation to healthcare messaging and disease surveilance.

The Capsule Connectivity Diagram

Capsule within the Gemini Integration as a Service Platform

What Makes Capsule Unique?  

While tagging discrete data elements might be a norm in medical informatics, applying meaningful data tags to actual messages exchanged and then archived through health information exchange protocols is not the norm. In fact, it is a big gap for most organizations. Capsule will help you mitigate the risk of having critically important data buried in archived messages with no clear way to identify, extract or leverage the data for new disease surveillance or population health activities.

Capsule FAQs

What Message Types Can Be Tagged And Archived With Capsule?

HLv2, CCD/C-CDA, claims, documents or any other “data object” you want to store in a data archive.

How is Capsule Priced?

Capsule is a module within the Gemini Integration as a Service Platform. It is sold as a monthly recurring fee; priced based on the amount of data storage required.

How is Capsule Implemented?

Once secure connectivity is established, client’s simply route the healthcare messages they’d like to store in Capsule to our Gemini Integration Platform. We do the rest.  We’ll work with you to identify an initial set of data tags and provide you with a simple API you can query.

Can Capsule Be Used With Pre-existing Data Analytics and Business Intelligence Tools?

Yes! Capsule is about achieving and retrieving data “capsules” that share defined characteristics (data tags).  Queries are used to find the target data and then a data capsule is created that can then be used to send data to preexisting data analytics / business intelligence tools, in the required formats.

What is the Best Way to Get Started with Message Tagging and Archiving?

We can spin up a Gemini Capsule endpoint in a matter of days. Contact us to discuss your specific data tagging requirements at (949).396.0361.

Zen Healthcare IT Case Study


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