Zen is thrilled to announce a new partnership with our friends at C3HIE, a Health Information Exchange serving healthcare organizations in Texas.
Enhancing Data Access for Better Care
C3HIE, envisions a world full of healthier and connected communities, where the healthcare system puts the patient first, arming their care team with access to all the needed health data to make collaborative decisions, and ensure the best possible health outcomes. By teaming up with Zen Healthcare IT, C3HIE is adding important operational efficiencies to deliver on their important mission.
“Currently, C3HIE has no way to manually monitor our thousands of connections and catch issues early before our customers do. The brains inside Zen Insight do this for us, let us know immediately if things go awry, & let us focus on value-added work knowing that our interfaces are being monitored continuously.”
Enhancing Operational Efficiency & Improving Patient Care
Zen Insight for Mirth Connect helps keep information flowing smoothly through critical HIE interfaces, making sure there are fewer interruptions in data that is vital to delivering effective healthcare to patients. Less data flow interruptions mean doctors can always access the critical information they need, helping them focus on taking care of their patients without worrying about data issues.
Enhancing Mirth Connect Interface Monitoring and Alerting
Healthcare Interfaces flowing through popular integration engines such as Mirth Connect are in constant need for ongoing monitoring and management. Typically this is a very manual process, consuming valuable time from important IT resources. And often, processes are not very effective – meaning many issues are missed. Manual processes keep an IT organization in a “reactive mode” instead of a “proactive mode”.
With Zen Insight, sophisticated business logic looks for emerging interface problems and alerts the IT team proactively, removing the need to perform time intensive manual interface reviews and uncovering issues manual reviews are likely to miss. A Dashboard view provides important interface performance statistics, such as error rates, alert history and message volumes. These features free up valuable IT resources and improve reliability of data streams.
“We’re excited to work with C3HIE in support of their mission to make sure healthcare providers always have the data they need. Zen Insight is designed to minimize data flow interruptions, helping make sure providers have the right information, at the right time – improving patient experience and health outcomes.”
The partnership between C3HIE and Zen Healthcare IT provides a big step forward in more efficient and effective healthcare interface management. Using tools like Zen Insight, C3HIE is making healthcare data exchange better and more efficient for their community, and Zen is proud to play a small role in that important effort.