- What am I currently doing that I need to do more of?
- What should I start doing?
- What should I stop doing?
I hope my answers to these questions will resonate with you and perhaps challenge you to ask the same. Here they are…
What am I currently doing that I need to do more of?
Data quality! From my many discussions with SHIEC members in Atlanta, this is an area we are all concerned about. While the tactical issues such as eHealth Exchange content testing are creating a sense of urgency, it’s really about the patient. Accurate healthcare data “put to work” is the key to creating healthier people. I am challenging our team and partners to continue to find innovative ways to tackle this long-term issue of the quality of the data – doing more every day to improve the usability of the data being exchanged.
What should I start doing?
I need to start considering how data – specifically the story data tells – is impacted by the powerful social determinants of health. Failure to consider and incorporate these factors into data will lead to lost opportunities and exacerbate healthcare equity gaps. Starting today, I am going to take advantage of the SHIEC content posted on the SHIEC website and work to expand my own knowledge so we can be better trusted advisors for our clients in this critical area.
What should I stop doing?
I must stop this habit of waiting for the annual SHIEC conference to say hello to all the amazing people in the SHIEC membership. I applaud the efforts of each member organization and admire the daily challenges faced by those organizations. My team is always here to help and we are going to stop waiting until an event to connect with you. We invite anyone in SHIEC to visit our headquarters when in Southern California. We are 15 minutes from beautiful Newport Beach, CA – a lovely place to visit any time of the year. And we plan on getting out to visit more of you this year.
It was so great to see everyone and have the opportunity to expand our relationships!
Before you go, check out the SHIEC 2018 HIE Resource Center. Bookmark the page for your HIE technology and services needs.